High-Quality Wallpaper - Made in the U.S.

High-Quality Wallpaper - Made in the U.S.

Our wallpapers, crafted with passion and manufactured in the U.S., are available in rolls of approximately 20.87 inches in width and 32.81 feet in length, perfect for all your decor projects.

Weighing in at 180 g/m², our wallpapers are of a quality that conceals minor wall blemishes. Their edge-to-edge alignment ensures a seamless overlap of strips. Moreover, the wallpaper comes pre-cut to fit your wall dimensions, maximizing convenience during application.

The adhesive process is also simplified, as the paste can be applied directly onto the wall. Our wallpapers are also easy to clean, ensuring they always look impeccable.

Our wallpapers are fire-resistant, adhering to M1 safety standards.

Our products are environmentally friendly, boasting certifications such as FSC, Greenguard, and Imprim'vert.

We are here to guide and support your wall decor project. Our wallpapers can be tailored according to your graphic guidelines. Purchase your panoramic wallpaper for restaurants directly from our website: infinite-walls.com.

Choose Infinite Walls for unmatched quality and impeccable service.